Dovetail Jig Plans

How To Order Dovetail Jig Plans

The plans and instructions are fully detailed and take you through each step. CAD graphics as well as photos provide clear illustration.

Dovetail Jig Plans

When you order your plans, provide the following information:

  • log dimensions: width x height (6x8, 8x10, etc.)
    (note that width = wall thickness)
  • gap distance (the space between the logs)

If you are cutting your logs 2 sided and are going to have a variable gap for a more rustic look, let me know. I will need you to estimate the average log height you expect to have (e.g. 6" x 13" for logs that are 6 inches thick and range from 11"-15" in height).

How to order:

  • Enter your log size (actual size) and the gap distance in the box below using inches.
    For example: 6x8, 1 inch gap.
  • Click the Buy Now button,.
  • I will make the calculations needed for your jigs and email the necessary dimensions to you, usually within 24 hours.
  • The plans/instructions are in .pdf file format and will be emailed to you.
  • The cost of the plans is $28 (US)


Add my email address to your contact list or your spam blocker will likely block my email to you. If you do not receive plans with 48 hours, check your spam/junk folder then email me at

log size (width,height), gap